
Breakfast Links: Week of September 12, 2016

Breakfast Links are served - our weekly round-up of fav links to other web sites, articles, blogs, and images via Twitter.
� Is this the key to Alexander Hamilton's secret correspondence?
� The physics of Rapunzel's hair: could a man really use it to climb up? Apparently yes.
� A familiar part of Georgian travel: falling off your horse.
� French kissing to lesbian orgies: the origins of the myth of the debauched French court.
Image: From the Lady's Magazine, July 1797: "Rules to be observed at City Feasts, especially Parochial Ones" - and perhaps at BBQs, too.
� "Gymnasticks" and dumbbells: exercise in 17th-18thc Britain.
� The weathervanes of Old London.
Ring for a bride, made from shard of glass that nearly blinded a WWI tank commander in battle.
Image: Already a tourist attraction: Philadelphia house where Jefferson wrote Declaration of Independence, shown in an 1855 photo.
� Are these seven pigtails from the infamous mutineers of the Bounty?
� Great rooms in children's literature.
� "A most lamented princesse": a 17thc English princess at Versailles.
� Uncovering a different side of Bath.
� The 18thc man with (supposedly) 87 children � and only one wife.
Image: A Medusa mosaic, 2nd-3rdc AD from the Archaeological Museum of Tarragona.
� The tragedy of early 20thc beauty, model, and actress Audrey Munson.
� When fashion becomes a form of protest.
� British female felons in the 18thc.
� The newest historical American Girl doll has Motown swagger.
� General George Washington, hairdresser.
Image: Oh, the Illustrated Police News, 1895: "Pinching girls' legs his mania." Story here.
� One hundred and fifty-one years after the last shot was fired, a Civil War pension is still being paid by the U.S. government to the daughter of a veteran.
� Criss-Cross Spelling Slips: sold as an educational game in the 1880s.
� "Gone for a solider": but the 19thc British Army wasn't for everyone.
Image: Just for fun: arguably the best photo and caption on Wikipedia.
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Above: At Breakfast by Laurits Andersen Ring. Private collection.

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