
Get KitKat / CyanogenMod Stock Messaging App on Any Android Jelly Bean with 8sms

How to get KitKat / CyanogenMod stock Messaging app on your Android Jelly Bean Device?

I've been thinking for a nice story to write on this blog and after back-reading some of my articles, I've noticed and thought of "what about KitKat?" then I just realized that I've been using an amazing messaging app with embedded features and interface close to Android KitKat stock messaging app. We don't have to wait for an official stock update of our device nor we don't have to worry if our device doesn't have a KitKat update just to experience its astonishing features and user-interface. Well, we don't have to be surprised since this app called 8sms was actually ported from android 4.4.2 (KitKat or CyanogenMod 10.2) with added some more extra features.

kitkat stock messaging app

8sms top features!

With 8sms Stock Messaging app, we can get a KitKat or CyanogenMod stock messaging app on any android Jelly Bean device and above, plus with much more useful features all in one in a single app. This truly astounding app notably featuring Quick reply pop-ups, Gesture based templates, Emoji support, Optional dark theme, Clean and no bloatwares.

8sms on Android 4.1 - 4.3 Jelly Bean

Other than the notable features the app is inbuilt, 8sms is capable of switching system modes. Currently, if you are running from an Android Jelly Bean device, 8sms has 2 modes particularly the default mode which is automatically set after installation and Stand-alone mode which actually replaces the current stock messaging app in the device. In using the default mode, you are required not to disable or delete the current stock messaging app which comes with your device as that app is still a prerequisite to be able to receive sms and mms messages, it's likely you just installed another messaging app. Also in the default mode, you must turn off notifications from your current stock messaging app or else, you'll get a notification twice. Using Stand-alone mode alternatively, you must disable or delete the current stock messaging app which comes from your device if not, each new messages you will get will be saved on both apps.

8sms Stock Messaging on Android 4.4 KitKat

Existing Android KitKat users can also use this stock messaging app replacement, since it contains a lot of features to use. When using 8sms on an Android KitKat device, you are also required to make it as your default sms app, it will import your existing data to your new 8sms app but it may take a few or less a minute to load the data for its first launch.

Download 8sms Stock Messaging app now!
A stock messaging app with plenty of improvements and enhancements. 8sms is definitely one of the most updated and best app for Android which was credited by CyanogenMod. A lighter but a better stock app replacement.


Download 8sms via Google Play Store

Download directly from 8sms

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